
Prime Minister Supervises Award Ceremony of President’s Prize for Amazigh Literature and Language


Prime Minister Nadir Larbaoui presided over the award ceremony of the fourth edition of the President’s Prize for Amazigh Literature and Language at the Abdellatif Rahal International Conference Center. This prestigious event recognizes the exceptional contributions in the fields of Amazigh linguistics, literature, scientific and digital research, and intangible heritage research.

In the Linguistics category, the winners are:

  • First Prize: Mehdi Nacer from Bejaia
  • Second Prize: Khedrani Aicha from Batna
  • Third Prize: Mahrouch Mohamed from Bejaia

In the category of Literature expressed in Amazigh:

  • First Prize: Tamsoust Alaa Eddine from Batna
  • Second Prize: Najmeddine Mouassi from Setif
  • Third Prize: Mazhoud Nasser

In Scientific and Digital Research:

  • First Prize: Hassan Sundal from Bouira
  • Third Prize: Tarek Aftan from Tizi Ouzou

In Research in Intangible Heritage:

  • First Prize: Fadia Tejat
  • Second Prize: Hamida Chouchan
  • Third Prize: Rachida Fortuni

This event not only celebrates the rich Amazigh culture but also underscores the Algerian government’s commitment to preserving and promoting the Amazigh language and literature. The awardees, representing various regions, have made significant contributions to their respective fields, enriching the cultural and intellectual landscape of Algeria.

For more information on the President’s Prize for Amazigh Literature and Language, visit

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