
Louisa Hanoun, General Secretary of the Algerian Workers’ Party, Meets US Ambassador to Discuss Sudanese Crisis


Louisa Hanoun, General Secretary of the Algerian Workers’ Party, received a visit from the United States Ambassador to Algeria, Elizabeth Moore Aubin, at the latter’s request. The Workers’ Party announced that this meeting in Algiers was part of an introductory and exploratory dialogue, particularly focused on the upcoming 2024 presidential elections in Algeria.

During the meeting, Hanoun emphasized that, regardless of the significance of the elections, the Workers’ Party is dedicated to ensuring all necessary political conditions for a fair debate of ideas and programs. This approach aims to enable the Algerian people to exercise their sovereignty effectively.

Responding to the ambassador’s inquiry about her potential candidacy in the presidential elections, Hanoun clarified that the Workers’ Party’s current priorities are supporting the Palestinian people and contributing to the improvement of social and political conditions for a favorable political climate for the elections.

Moreover, Hanoun expressed the Workers’ Party’s absolute rejection of any foreign interference in Algeria’s internal affairs, particularly regarding the presidential elections. She highlighted previous attempts of foreign intervention in various countries and their severe consequences. The Workers’ Party, she asserted, does not accept lessons in democracy from any government, especially those responsible for the oppression of African-Americans, citizens of Maghreb origin, and complicity in the plight of the Palestinian people.

Most of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the situation in Palestine, specifically Gaza and the West Bank. Hanoun charged the US government with responsibility for the ongoing genocide by the Zionist entity, referring to the decisions made by the US and Britain, with Stalin’s collusion, in establishing the Zionist entity in 1947 at the expense of the Palestinian state. She held the US government fully accountable for supporting the Zionist entity politically, diplomatically, militarily, and financially in its war against the Palestinian people.

Hanoun stressed that the US administration bears the responsibility for ending the genocide in Palestine by halting military support and veto power. She also underscored the US government’s role in curtailing the spread of wars worldwide, highlighting the threat posed by the ongoing conflict to global peace.

For more information on this important meeting and its implications, please visit

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