
Algeria’s Ministry of Culture and Arts Opens Candidacy for 2024 Cultural Project Support for Associations


In a move to bolster the country’s cultural and artistic endeavors, Algeria’s Ministry of Culture and Arts announced on Monday the opening of candidacy for cultural and artistic associations to benefit from the support of cultural and artistic projects for the year 2024. This initiative is part of the ministry’s policy of public support for projects by these associations.

According to a ministry statement, this support aims to “enhance and promote associative cultural activities in line with the provisions of Law 12/06 dated January 12, 2012, related to associations.” The support targets cultural and artistic associations’ projects, both national and local, that contribute to the valorization and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, organize meaningful and distinctive cultural and artistic activities for all society segments, train youth and children in various arts (music, theater, audio-visual, and painting), focus on cultural and artistic works for children, and organize cultural events across the nation, particularly in isolated areas.

The source added that this support is “a contribution from the Ministry of Culture and Arts to a part of the project, and associations must detail potential financial contributions (association’s contribution, funding from the Ministry of Culture and Arts, and other funding sources).” Associations can benefit from support for one or two projects, depending on the project’s importance, objectives, and the committee’s determined priorities and order.

Cultural and artistic associations can find the terms and procedures for qualification to benefit from the support, as well as the administrative file components and the application form, on the Ministry of Culture and Arts’ website.

The submission of applications is “exclusively” through the electronic platform for public support of cultural associations on the ministry’s website. “The platform will be open and receive projects for a period of 45 days starting from December 14,” with the Public Support Committee for Association Projects evaluating the works after reviewing all files.

For more information, visit , Cultural Project Support for Associations in Algeria 2024.

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