
Israeli Officials Assert: The Fall of Al-Shifa Complex Does Not Mean the Downfall of Hamas


Military officials from Israel have recently stated that the potential fall of the Al-Shifa medical complex should not be construed as the downfall of Hamas. They emphasize the importance of maintaining calm in the West Bank to avoid Israel being dragged into a conflict on multiple fronts.Israeli officials on Al-Shifa and Hamas

Former reserve General Itamar Hayman, director of the National Security Studies Institute, shared insights on an Israeli channel, discussing the strategic implications of Al-Shifa, located near a refugee camp. “Al-Shifa has become a landmark, its fall is not the defeat of Hamas. If Al-Shifa falls, Hamas will not,” he declared.

Hayman also commented on the West Bank’s volatile situation, commending the cabinet’s attention to the area, which is on the brink of escalation due to targeted assassinations by Israel. He highlighted the olive picking season as a time when friction between Palestinians and settlers increases, urging the Israeli government to prevent the situation from exploding into a broader conflict.

The ex-president of the armored corps, Itamar Ya’ar, echoed the call for de-escalation in the West Bank, pointing out the rising activities of what he called “extremist Palestinians,” especially those aligned with Hamas. He emphasized the necessity for the Israeli government to foster calm.

In matters of prisoners held by Hamas in Gaza, senior researcher Ofer Shelah from the National Security Studies Institute argued against accepting piecemeal prisoner exchange deals, urging Israeli officials to resist such pressures.Israeli officials on Al-Shifa and Hamas

Moreover, Oren Zacharia, the mother of one of the detainees, strongly opposed partial exchange deals, stating that it would be tantamount to sentencing the remaining detainees to death. She also rejected the notion of de-escalation, fearing it would allow Hamas to regroup and strengthen its capacity to attack Israel.

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