
New Solar Magnetic Storm Hits Earth


The dynamic magnetic field of the sun interacts with the solar wind resulting from continuous explosions, forming a crowned vortex-like structure that surrounds the sun. This phenomenon launches solar magnetic storms, occasionally impacting Earth (NASA).

By Werner Heil, NASA (see "other version" below). - [1] [dead link] from [dead link]., Public Domain,

As Earth is still recovering from the recent solar storm that hit a few days ago, scientists are warning of another new storm currently striking the planet.

Several regions experienced the solar storm that affected the planet in recent days, and its impact was clearly evident with the appearance of auroras in unusual locations. These auroras were caused by charged particles interacting extensively with Earth’s atmospheric atoms.

The sun continuously emits electromagnetic radiation containing large quantities of charged particles. However, the quantity of these particles is influenced by the intensity of solar activity and explosions occurring on its surface.

These charged particles are carried in all directions by the solar wind. When they collide with Earth, both the magnetic field and the atmosphere of the planet interact with these particles, preventing them from approaching the surface. However, satellites may be damaged, potentially losing contact for some time or suffering permanent damage.

Due to the sun’s constant rotation, its magnetic fields bend, creating a spiral structure known as the “Parker Spiral” or the heliospheric current sheet. This structure sends ripples into space. Occasionally, these ripples carry charged particles resulting from high solar activity, which can collide with Earth if the planet is in the path of the “wave.”

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that due to Earth’s current position, the planet is experiencing another solar radiation storm. It is also expected that solar storms will subside in the coming days.

Focus Keyphrase: solar magnetic storm

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