
Jordan Recalls Its Ambassador from Tel Aviv in Response to Gaza Conflict


Jordan expresses its strong opposition to the ongoing conflict in Gaza by recalling its ambassador from Israel. The move signifies the kingdom’s stance on regional peace and security.

In a significant diplomatic move, Jordan announced on Wednesday evening its decision to recall its ambassador from Tel Aviv. This action underscores the kingdom’s disapproval of the ongoing Zionist war on Gaza, which has now entered its twenty-sixth day.

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released an official statement on its official “X” website. The statement read, “Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, decided to immediately summon the Jordanian ambassador in Israel back to Jordan. This decision reflects Jordan’s strong condemnation and rejection of the escalating Israeli war on Gaza, which has resulted in the loss of innocent lives.”

The statement further emphasized that this decision is a direct response to a war that is causing an “unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.” The ongoing conflict poses serious risks of escalation, threatening the security of the entire region and international peace and stability.

Safadi directed the relevant department within the ministry to inform the Israeli Foreign Ministry that their ambassador, who had previously left the kingdom, should not return. Safadi clarified that “the return of the ambassadors will be contingent upon Israel ceasing its war on Gaza and halting the humanitarian disaster it is causing. This includes all actions depriving Palestinians of their rights to food, water, medicine, and their right to live safely and stably on their national soil.”

Safadi further emphasized that “Jordan will continue its efforts to halt the war on Gaza, facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid, protect civilians, and shield the region from its repercussions. The kingdom remains committed to a future where the region enjoys just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution.”

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