
China Prepares to Enter Space Tourism Race


Chinese commercial space company CAS Space is set to launch its space tourism vehicle trials for the first time in 2027, with plans to fly to outer space in 2028 if all goes smoothly, according to official media reports.

This announcement comes after Blue Origin, led by American entrepreneur Jeff Bezos, announced the resumption of manned space flights, preparing to launch six astronauts next Sunday. Blue Origin currently leads the space tourism sector.

CAS Space revealed that its vehicle will feature a tourist cabin with four panoramic windows, accommodating seven passengers per trip. The company plans to schedule a launch every 100 hours from the newly built Future World Dream East amusement park, with ten spacecraft available for tourists.

The average ticket price is set at $415,000 per person, according to official media.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the second-largest shareholder in this private company, established in 2018 and headquartered in Guangzhou, eastern China, near Hong Kong.

Narrowing the Gap

China has recently managed to narrow the gap with the United States in the space race. In 2021, China launched its independent space station, Tiangong, which has continuously hosted Chinese astronauts since then.

Additionally, China aims to be the first country to bring soil samples from the moon’s far side with its Chang’e-6 mission, scheduled to land on the moon’s south pole early next month.

China believes that this impressive success will attract future tourists, especially as it seeks to sign numerous strategic partnerships with several regional and global countries.

Focus keyphrase: Space Tourism Race

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