
Algeria Sends Strong Messages to the International Community


Algiers, October 18, 2023

The Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a resolute address, delivered powerful statements during the opening speech of the 20th session of the Africa-North Europe Ministerial Meeting, held from October 16 to 18, 2023, in Algeria.

The Minister highly praised the convening of the 20th session of this cooperative mechanism, which has proven its effectiveness over the years in facilitating cooperation between our countries. In the face of the world’s challenges, mechanisms like these, based on the values of dialogue, opinion exchange, and the collision of ideas, have never been more essential. Our world is susceptible to divisions, clashes, and conflicts.

Minister Attaf stated, “We are indeed in dire need of such a mechanism that is founded on the principles of dialogue and the exchange of ideas. These values, which President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has consistently promoted, must be employed as exemplary tools for solidarity, cooperation, and unity in the face of current challenges, whether they be local, regional, or international.”

He added, “The strength of the unique relationship that binds our African countries with North European nations lies in our shared and unwavering commitment to the values, principles, and ideals upheld by the United Nations. At the forefront is the pursuit of friendly relations between nations, based on sovereign equality, mutual respect, and shared trust. This also involves upholding international law in interactions between nations, ensuring the right of peoples to self-determination, and contributing to the peaceful resolution of crises and conflicts.”

From this perspective, the Minister highlighted the admirable historical positions of North European countries that have supported the rights of oppressed African nations in determining their destiny and stood in solidarity with liberation movements in Africa to rid themselves of colonialism, racial discrimination, and foreign occupation.

Furthermore, in addressing foreign occupation, he made it clear that we must not forget the tragic situation that our Palestinian brothers and sisters are enduring, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip. This dire situation, marked by a complete disregard for even the most basic humanitarian norms, international conventions, and laws, remains a pressing concern. Algeria, steadfast in its support for the Palestinian people, calls on the international community for immediate action to aid the vulnerable and oppressed and to put an end to this aggression. Algeria advocates for the revival of the path to peace, allowing the Palestinian people to establish their independent state based on the 1967 borders with its capital, Jerusalem.

Additionally, Minister Attaf urged the international community not to overlook the undeniable facts:

  • The first undeniable fact: There is occupation in Palestine.
  • The second undeniable fact: There are legitimate rights in Palestine that cannot be ignored or dismissed.
  • The third undeniable fact: There is a Palestinian people demanding their legitimate national rights, as clearly acknowledged by international legitimacy.

In the same context, Algeria reaffirms its support for the Sahrawi people, who cling to their inalienable right to self-determination and the end of the occupation of their territory. Our continent, whose coast suffers from the residues of poverty, insecurity, and instability due to unconstitutional changes, should not underestimate the importance of our contribution to overcoming these issues in ways that serve the region’s interests, as well as those of the entire continent.

The diplomat concluded by emphasizing that this meeting serves to express our common aspirations to strengthen cooperation and solidarity in the face of escalating challenges and growing threats that our world is currently witnessing amid a state of concerning division, increasing tension, and exacerbating polarization.

He added, “We are faced today with a global and regional scene that is undeniably dark in every sense of the word, marked by the accumulation of armed conflicts, the complexity of global climate crises, the proliferation of transnational terrorist threats, the widening developmental gap between poor and rich nations, and the exacerbation of epidemics and natural disasters. Despite the difficulties and complexities of this scene, it should never deprive us of hope for a better future, nor should it deter us in any way from working towards a comprehensive and collaborative solution that fundamentally recognizes the unity of human destiny in the face of the challenges and threats it confronts.”

Moreover, Algeria’s unwavering conviction is that there is no alternative to international cooperation and working within multi-party frameworks to formulate comprehensive and collaborative solutions guided by the principle of the unity of destiny. It is essential to uphold human unity in the face of present challenges and threats.

Algerian Minister addressing the Africa-North Europe Ministerial Meeting

Likewise, Algeria firmly believes in the need to reform the international system to end the marginalization of developing countries, especially African nations, in international decision-making. This should result in establishing balanced economic and political international relationships, relationships that satisfy the collective human conscience.

In conclusion, Minister Attaf stressed that this session and the important topics it addresses will help prioritize cooperation between African countries and North European countries, particularly in terms of promoting peace and security objectives, enhancing capabilities to encourage economic development, and intensifying political coordination within the international arena, to which we belong and where we share the commitment to revitalize its key role as a guiding light illuminating humanity’s path in these challenging times. Above all, he underscored the special and exceptional importance of education and youth in Africa, which represents more than 60% of the continent’s population. Education and training are vital for empowering our youth to innovate, create, and fulfill their role as the driving force for Africa’s growth and progress.

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