
Intense Activity by Minister Attaf in Accra


Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf engaged in discussions with several African counterparts in Accra, Ghana. These talks occurred on the sidelines of the 45th session of the African Union Executive Council, which began this morning.

Minister Attaf’s meeting with his Mauritanian counterpart, who chairs the Executive Council, focused on consulting and coordinating on the agenda items, discussing ways to advance bilateral cooperation, and reviewing the latest developments in the Sahel-Saharan region.

In discussions with his Sahrawi counterpart, they addressed the agenda items and reviewed diplomatic developments concerning the Sahrawi cause. They also explored ways to enhance bilateral coordination and cooperation across various fields.

During his meeting with his Ghanaian counterpart, whose country is hosting the Executive Council meeting, both parties exchanged views on the developments in the Sahel-Saharan region and discussed potential avenues for strengthening bilateral cooperation in light of upcoming engagements.

Minister Attaf’s meeting with his Rwandan counterpart focused on exchanging views on the Executive Council’s agenda, reviewing bilateral relations, and exploring ways to elevate these relations in preparation for high-level bilateral engagements.

In talks with his Chadian counterpart, they discussed prospects for strengthening bilateral relations and agreed on the need for optimal preparation for the upcoming joint governmental committee meeting. They also reviewed the latest developments in their shared region, particularly the crisis in Sudan.

With the Angolan Foreign Minister, Attaf had in-depth consultations on several important African issues in anticipation of upcoming events within the African Union framework.

Similarly, bilateral discussions with his Tanzanian counterpart allowed a review of the distinguished bilateral relations between the two countries and an exchange of views on several regional and international issues of mutual interest.

In his meeting with the Deputy Foreign Minister of South Sudan, who heads his country’s delegation at the Executive Council meeting, Minister Attaf expressed Algeria’s readiness to enhance bilateral relations. He affirmed Algeria’s support for the peace and reconciliation process in South Sudan and its readiness to contribute to the success of the presidential elections scheduled for the end of this year.

Minister Attaf in Accra

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