
Election Authority Addresses Media Outlets


The National Independent Election Authority has issued a decision outlining the procedures and guidelines for access to audiovisual media and the media coverage of candidates for the upcoming presidential election scheduled for September 7.

This decision encompasses all public and private audiovisual media outlets subject to Algerian law and holding a legal license, as well as other legally operating audiovisual media broadcasting from Algeria, including audiovisual activities over the internet.

The decision also specifies the methods for covering presidential candidates by print and electronic media, as well as promoting candidacies through social media networks.

According to the decision, audiovisual media outlets are required to ensure fair access for all presidential candidates. This includes several key points: direct expression must be fair and equal in terms of time allocation, schedules, and order of appearance, exclusively as part of the public service mission through public audiovisual media. The time allocated for direct expression for candidates is distributed by the National Independent Election Authority in coordination with the Audiovisual Regulatory Authority.

The decision further mandates fairness in participation in scheduled programs and the timing allocated for candidates or their representatives to express themselves by audiovisual media. It also includes fair information processing and coverage of candidates during the election campaign by audiovisual media, concerning time allocation, schedules, and the order of candidate interventions.

The media outlets are obliged to provide fair and objective coverage during the election campaign for all presidential candidates and ensure the right to respond within the deadlines specified by Article 66 of the law on print and electronic press and Article 38 of the law on audiovisual activities.

During their coverage of candidate activities in the election campaign, media outlets must adhere to principles of truthfulness, impartiality, and the duty to confront candidates with any contradictions in their statements, seek clarifications about their programs, and verify the accuracy of information broadcast, to avoid spreading false news that could influence voters’ choices.

Media outlets must also refrain from any preferential treatment of any participating candidate, ensure that journalists and technicians affiliated with them who are militants in any party participating in the election, those supporting a candidate, or those connected to a candidate abstain from covering the election campaign. They must ensure that when selecting excerpts from candidates’ statements or their representatives, the general meaning is not distorted or the original meaning of the document is altered.

These guidelines also include respecting the private lives and dignity of individuals, adhering to the principle of presumption of innocence, and avoiding broadcasting any announcement or statement containing incitement to hatred, discrimination, violence, or undermining the credibility of state institutions.

The document emphasizes the importance of respecting the electoral silence period, which is set for three days before the election day, during which media outlets are only permitted to cover organizational aspects of the elections, educate citizens about voting procedures and the significance of the vote, and promote civic awareness. The use of commercial advertising for campaign purposes during the election campaign period is also prohibited.

Moreover, the publication or broadcasting of any opinion poll related to voters’ intentions or measuring candidates’ popularity is prohibited within 72 hours before the national election and within five days for the national community abroad before the election date.

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