
Algeria Celebrates 70th Anniversary of Independence with a Rich Cultural and Artistic Program


In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Algerian War of Independence, the Ministry of Culture has organized a comprehensive cultural, artistic, and intellectual program. This initiative, announced on Monday, aims to honor the revolutionary legacy through a series of events, including conferences, artistic performances, operatic shows, and visual arts exhibitions.

Minister of Culture, Soraya Mouloudji, chaired a meeting with heads of affiliated institutions to assess the progress of preparations for this historic event. The ministry’s statement highlighted the significant importance President Abdelmadjid Tebboune places on ensuring the commemoration aligns with the grandeur of the national occasion.

The planned program features the second international conference titled “Cultural Resistance in Algeria During the War of Independence,” organized by the Algerian Center for Cinema Development, focusing on “Cinema and Memory.” Additionally, the National Book Center will hold a national conference on resistance literature under the theme “Culture Against Colonial Discourse.”

Moreover, the National Theater and regional theaters will stage eight major theatrical productions, showcasing the Algerian people’s struggle against French colonialism. A special performance titled “The Price of Freedom” will also be presented by the Algerian Opera, highlighting the role of Algerian artists and intellectuals during the war.

Other planned activities include an operatic event, “The Epic of the Sands,” produced by Diwan Riyad, and art exhibitions titled “Panorama of Algerian Fine Art (1954-2024),” organized at the M’fdi Zakaria Palace of Culture.

For more information, visit
Author: Nor-Eleslam.

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