
Honoring Andalusian Music Icon Mohamed El Ghafour at the Algerian National Theatre


Algiers – On Wednesday evening, the Algerian National Theatre “Mahieddine Bachtarzi” hosted a tribute ceremony for Sheikh Mohamed El Ghafour, a legendary figure in Andalusian and Hawzi music, in recognition of his artistic career spanning over 50 years and his efforts to preserve Algeria’s rich musical heritage.

The ceremony, which was led by Minister of Culture and Arts, Soraya Mouloudji, was organized by the artistic and cultural association “Third Millennium,” in collaboration with the National Theatre and the National Office for Copyrights and Neighboring Rights. Many cultural and artistic figures attended the event, along with the family of the honored artist, to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of Mohamed El Ghafour (94 years old), the creator of the classic piece “Welfi Myriam.”

In her speech, Minister Mouloudji praised El Ghafour, describing him as “a valuable artist and one of the pillars of Algerian Hawzi and Andalusian music as well as religious hymns. He will forever remain a shining star in the cultural sky of Algeria.”

The minister also commended the efforts of the “Third Millennium” association for their initiative to honor “the icons of Algerian culture and art,” acknowledging the contributions of all who participated in the event. She added that such initiatives help to “instill a culture of recognition for all artists who dedicated their lives to preserving Algeria’s authentic cultural heritage.”

In a statement to the Algerian News Agency (APS), Mohamed El Ghafour expressed his deep gratitude and joy for the recognition sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Arts. He regarded it as the crowning achievement of a long artistic journey that began in 1948 and continued until 2010, aimed at establishing the Hawzi and authentic Andalusian styles. He emphasized that the Algerian music scene is still rich with talented voices capable of carrying on this noble musical tradition.

The president of the “Third Millennium” association, Sid Ali Ben Salem, noted that the association has honored 192 artists since its founding in 2001 and will continue to recognize more figures who have contributed to the elevation of Algeria’s authentic cultural and artistic elements.

The celebratory evening featured performances from renowned artists, with the audience enthusiastically engaging with the Hawzi songs and Andalusian musical compositions performed by the likes of Sheikh Abdelkader Chaou, Samir Toumi, Zakia Kara Turki, Idris Zahmani, and Karim Bougazi.

The event also saw Mohamed El Ghafour himself, despite his advanced age, perform brief selections from his artistic repertoire on stage, including religious hymns and Hawzi pieces.

Born in 1930 in the town of Nedroma, Tlemcen province, Mohamed El Ghafour learned music from his uncle in the 1940s and joined various musical associations in Tlemcen and Nedroma. He began his singing career at weddings and religious ceremonies, drawing inspiration for his songs from Algeria’s rich popular and Malhoun poetry, including the works of Ben Messaib, Sheikh Zarhoni, and Ben Sehla. He halted his musical career to join the National Liberation Front in Algeria’s struggle for independence.

After Algeria gained independence, El Ghafour founded the “Al-Muwahhideen Association” and won first prize in the Popular Music Festival in Algiers in 1969. He also participated in the Andalusian Song Festival during the 1970s and represented Algeria in numerous international cultural events.

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Author name: nor-eleslam

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