
Israeli Sources: Hamas Deceived Netanyahu Prior to Operation Al-Aqsa Storm


The Israeli Broadcasting Authority (KAN) has claimed that the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) successfully deceived Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the weeks leading up to Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. According to the authority, Hamas conveyed messages to Netanyahu’s office, indicating their willingness to proceed with a prisoner exchange deal that would release the Israeli soldiers Hadar Goldin and Shaul Oron, detained by the movement since the 2014 assault on Gaza. A third prisoner, Avra Mengistu, was also mentioned.

The Authority’s Perspective on Negotiations

The Israeli authority argues that Hamas aimed to distract Israeli officials from the evolving field conditions by engaging them in “intense, indirect negotiations.” These negotiations were mediated by several high-profile intermediaries and were overseen by officials from Netanyahu’s office. The authority states that these talks took place while the military wing of Hamas was preparing for what was described as “the largest attack ever conducted on Israeli targets.”

Two Years of Intensified Talks

KAN further mentioned that “intense negotiations” have been underway between Hamas and Israeli authorities for the past two years. Israeli officials were cited as saying that these negotiations “intensified and escalated in recent months, experiencing various ups and downs.” On multiple occasions, Hamas led Israel to believe that a deal was imminent, according to Israeli sources.

The Aftermath of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm

During Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, which was launched by Palestinian resistance factions on the seventh of the current month, more than 200 Israelis were captured. In response, Israeli occupation forces have been conducting intense airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, resulting in over 6,000 casualties, nearly half of whom are children.

By presenting this information, the Israeli Broadcasting Authority seeks to shed light on the complex interplay of negotiation tactics and military preparations that purportedly transpired in the lead-up to Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. Israeli officials stress the evolving nature of these negotiations and continue to evaluate their strategic implications.

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