
Hamas Responds to Biden’s Remarks on Gaza Ceasefire with Strong Condemnation


The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has expressed its “deep astonishment and dismay” over recent statements made by U.S. President Joe Biden, in which he claimed that Hamas is backing away from a ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

In an official statement, Hamas described Biden’s and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s assertions as “misleading allegations” that do not reflect the true position of the movement, which remains committed to achieving an end to the aggression on Gaza. The Palestinian group emphasized that these statements are part of what it perceives as the “American bias towards Israeli occupation” and complicity in the aggression and “genocidal war” against the people of Gaza.

Hamas interpreted these remarks as an “American green light” for the extremist Israeli government to commit further crimes against civilians. The movement insisted that the recent proposals presented to them represent a “betrayal” of the agreements reached on July 2, which were based on Biden’s own declaration and a United Nations Security Council resolution. The new offer, according to Hamas, reflects a “capitulation” to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new conditions and “criminal schemes” against Gaza.

The statement underscored that mediators from Qatar and Egypt are aware of Hamas’s “positive” engagement in all negotiations, and accused Netanyahu of constantly obstructing the achievement of any agreement. Hamas called on these mediators to fulfill their responsibilities and compel Israel to adhere to Biden’s declaration and the Security Council resolution. The movement also urged the U.S. administration to abandon its “bias towards Israeli war criminals” and to withdraw its political and military support for what they termed the genocidal war in Gaza.

U.S. Accusations

President Biden recently alleged, in a conversation with journalists, that Hamas was “backing away” from a proposed truce with Israel aimed at securing the release of Israeli “detainees” in Gaza and halting the ongoing conflict in the region, which has lasted for more than 10 months.

On Monday, Secretary Blinken claimed that Netanyahu had agreed to the proposal put forward by Washington during the latest round of negotiations in Doha concerning a potential prisoner exchange with Hamas, a proposal that the movement has criticized. Blinken, speaking at a press conference in Tel Aviv after three hours of talks with Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, said that Netanyahu had informed him of Israel’s acceptance of the U.S. proposal, which was made during the negotiations in Doha last Thursday and Friday to bridge the gap between the parties.

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