
Granting Licenses for Public Demonstrations in Support of the Palestinian Cause (Exclusive)


It is anticipated that the public authorities will grant permits for demonstrations in support of the Palestinian cause, condemning the recent attacks against the Palestinian people, particularly in the Gaza Strip.

According to information obtained by “DZWatch” preparatory meetings were held today, attended by representatives from political parties, the National Observatory for Civil Society, and the Supreme Council for Youth, to coordinate the demonstrations in support of the Palestinian cause scheduled for next Thursday.

These demonstrations are expected to take place in all states, following specific routes and organized arrangements. The largest demonstration will be held in the capital, Algiers, to enable Algerians to voice their opposition to the serious transgressions and war crimes committed against the Palestinian people by the Zionist entity.

This step will reaffirm the unequivocal official and popular support of Algeria for the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Zionist war machine, which is carrying out mass extermination operations and displacing Palestinians from their land.

The move comes after a meeting of the Supreme Council for Security, chaired by President Abdelmajid Tebboune on Monday, where the dire conditions of our Palestinian brethren and the systematic genocide perpetrated by the occupying forces in the occupied Palestinian territories were discussed.

Algeria, through the statement issued by the Supreme Council for Security, called on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities, especially the Security Council, to ensure the protection of innocent Palestinian civilians.

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