
Algeria leads meeting on independence of African supreme audit institutions


Algiers, Algeria, September 12, 2023 – Algeria is leading a meeting of the working group of the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (Afrosai) on the independence of these institutions, which opened its work today in Algiers.

The meeting, which is being held for four days, aims to discuss the challenges facing the independence of supreme audit institutions in Africa and to identify ways to strengthen this independence.

The meeting is being attended by representatives from 56 African countries.

In a speech at the opening of the meeting, Abdelkader Ben Mabrouk, Chairman of the Court of Audit of Algeria, stressed the importance of the independence of supreme audit institutions in ensuring transparency and integrity in public financial management.

“These bodies cannot carry out their tasks of monitoring public funds in an objective and effective manner unless they are truly independent,” Ben Mabrouk said.

Felicity Zobo, Vice-Director of Strategic Affairs and Development at Afrosai, said that the meeting is an important opportunity to discuss the independence of supreme audit institutions in Africa.

“We hope that this meeting will lead to concrete measures to strengthen the independence of audit chambers in the continent,” Zobo said.

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