
Morocco Earthquake: UN Waiting to Be Invited to Help


The UN is waiting to be invited by Morocco to help with its post-quake disaster. The Moroccan government has only accepted assistance from four countries: Britain, Qatar, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates. The UN has offered to provide humanitarian support and coordinate resources on the ground for the victims, but it is awaiting approval from the Moroccan government.

Some experts believe that Morocco is refusing to accept offers from the UN and others to show that it is a regional power and does not need aid from outsiders. Others believe that the government is simply trying to manage how aid is delivered so as not to create further problems.

The earthquake has revealed a side of Morocco that the authorities always try to shield from the media. Beyond the high-rise buildings and exotic tourism the country is known for, most people live in remote villages.

The number of people who have died from the earthquake keeps rising, and humanitarian groups operating in the area said that food, medicine, and shelter were the most urgent needs of the survivors.

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