
Egyptian Civil Society Mobilizes for Humanitarian Support to Gaza


In response to the ongoing Israeli aggression against Gaza, various Egyptian civil society organizations, under government supervision, have initiated a humanitarian campaign to support the besieged region. Their activities encompass diverse efforts, including fundraising, blood donation, and preparations for a substantial food convoy. The outpouring of support from the Egyptian public is remarkable, as they eagerly await the opening of a humanitarian corridor for assistance to reach Gaza.

The Role of Al-Azhar:
Al-Azhar, Egypt’s renowned religious institution, issued an official statement emphasizing the religious and moral duty to support innocent Palestinian civilians through official channels. They made it clear that history will not be lenient with those who neglect this obligation.

The Egyptian Red Crescent:
The Egyptian Red Crescent launched an extensive campaign titled “Our Hearts with Gaza,” offering ten ways for Egyptians to provide financial donations to Gaza. They’ve made it convenient through mobile phone text messages, bank accounts, and popular electronic financial apps in Egypt. The organization has also extended vital medical assistance to the Palestinian Red Crescent in a rapid response to the events in Gaza.

National Alliance for Civil Work:
The National Alliance for Civil Work, a government-affiliated coalition, initiated the “Gaza Support Convoy.” Multiple charity organizations and independent civil society entities are participating in this effort to collect food and medical aid, with plans for a convoy to head to Palestine in the near future.

Medical Assistance by Marasal Foundation:
The Marasal Foundation, a notable medical charity in Egypt, launched a campaign to support Palestinian brethren within the National Alliance for Civil Work. Their assistance includes supplying critical medications, medical supplies, infant formula, medical professionals, and an ambulance.

Egyptian Food Bank:
The Egyptian Food Bank, a specialized charity organization, introduced a campaign to collect donations for the preparation of food boxes that can sustain a family of five in Gaza for two weeks. These boxes contain canned food, water, and milk.

Coordination and Delivery:
The Egyptian Food Bank has stressed the precise coordination with Egyptian authorities to ensure the delivery of aid to Gaza. They’ve emphasized that the opportunity to enter Gaza will be time-limited and urged people to contribute materially, physically, or through their efforts.

Blood Donation Campaigns:
Egyptians have also joined the humanitarian cause by participating in blood donation drives. The “Life Makers” foundation initiated a blood donation campaign under the slogan “Our Blood is One,” with significant participation from the Egyptian populace. Marasal Foundation, well-known for its development work, also organized a blood donation campaign in Cairo.

Mobilization Across the Nation:
“Misr Al-Khair” foundation took it a step further by organizing blood donation campaigns in 13 governorates across Egypt to show solidarity with Gaza.

Egyptian civil society, driven by compassion and unity, has displayed remarkable support for Gaza. These humanitarian efforts illustrate the deep connection and unwavering solidarity between the Egyptian people and their Palestinian brethren during challenging times.

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