
Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf Highlights Global Inaction on Palestinian Plight


Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf points out the lack of international support for the Palestinian cause and calls for urgent collective action in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

In a recent address at the United Nations General Assembly, Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf lamented the international community’s failure to protect and champion the rights of the Palestinian people. According to Attaf, this emergency session was convened as the Security Council has proven inadequate in safeguarding the beleaguered inhabitants of Gaza and addressing the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

Attaf articulated that the Security Council has lost its ability to restrain Israeli aggression and curb its infringement on innocent lives, particularly in Gaza. He stated that while the Palestinian people have been stripped of their rights, their resolve to persist and defend their land remains unbroken. “The Palestinian people have paid a hefty price,” Attaf emphasized, “a price that only those committed to a genuine cause would be willing to pay.”

Moreover, the minister argued that it’s high time for the General Assembly to take a stand in favor of justice for the Palestinian cause. He insisted that the Palestinian people are weary of the international community’s double standards and its inexplicable and indiscriminate tolerance towards Israeli occupation. “The Palestinians have suffered immensely from global indifference to their plight of oppression and tyranny,” Attaf noted.

Baffled by the inconsistent international approach, Attaf pointed out that when the situation is calm, Palestine is not considered a priority. But when tensions escalate, limited efforts are directed towards treating the symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of the conflict. He raised concerns that an entire generation of Palestinians has never witnessed a single international initiative aimed at reviving the peace process or fulfilling their legitimate aspirations for freedom and statehood.

“In light of our organizational values and principles, isn’t it time to rectify this unjust situation?” Attaf questioned the General Assembly. “Isn’t it time to end this historical injustice against a people who have run out of patience with an arrogant and domineering occupier? Isn’t it time to ignite a global initiative that genuinely aims to restore the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people?”

Foreign Minister Attaf concluded by stressing the urgent need for a collective international effort to halt the unjust Israeli aggression on Gaza and to provide relief and international protection to the Palestinian people. He urged the United Nations to remain committed to the legal foundations of an independent Palestinian state and reiterated Algeria’s call for granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations as a crucial step in amplifying its voice and defending its priorities.

The minister’s speech serves as a poignant reminder of the growing chasm between international rhetoric and concrete action, underscoring the dire need for effective measures to build lasting peace in the Middle East.

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