
Algeria Condemns Targeting of Qatar’s Gaza Reconstruction Committee


Algeria strongly condemns the ongoing blatant and provocative violations committed daily by the Zionist occupation forces in the Gaza Strip. The latest act of aggression was the targeting of the Qatar Reconstruction Committee’s headquarters, marking a new challenge to international law and its principles. Algeria condemns targeting of Qatar’s Gaza Reconstruction Committee .

In an official statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Algeria expressed its deep concern over the attack on a humanitarian facility dedicated to rebuilding what the oppressive occupation has destroyed. This act serves as compelling evidence of the intentions of this entity, which only speaks the language of obstinacy and destruction, burying any possibility of peace or dialogue to end its series of aggressions .

Algeria reaffirmed its unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian brothers and reiterated that the responsibility for ending the aggression and ensuring protection for the Palestinian people rests entirely on the United Nations Security Council. The Council cannot absolve itself of this responsibility or the consequences of its failure to act against this unjustifiable injustice, added the statement .

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