
Jordan Halts Energy Agreement with Israel Amid Gaza Conflict


In a move reflecting regional tensions, Jordan has announced it will not sign a planned energy-for-water exchange agreement with Israel due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Initially scheduled for signing in October, the agreement has been put on hold, as confirmed by Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi in an interview with Al Jazeera. Safadi emphasized that Jordan cannot proceed with the agreement while Israel continues its actions in Gaza, stating, “A Jordanian minister cannot sit beside an Israeli minister to sign an agreement while they are killing our brothers in Gaza.” Jordan-Israel Energy Agreement Suspension

The decision comes amidst increasing public and parliamentary calls in Jordan to cancel the Jordanian-Israeli peace agreement. Safadi assured that Jordan would not hesitate to take any steps that would assist the Palestinian people, indicating that the energy agreement will now gather dust on a shelf.

Safadi also accused Israel of killing the peace environment and pushing the entire region towards a broader conflict. His statements followed a rise in demands within Jordan to avoid signing the “water-for-electricity” deal, particularly as Israeli aggression in Gaza continues to cause significant humanitarian crises.

The halted agreement, known as the “Prosperity Project,” was intended to facilitate the export of 600 megawatts of solar energy to Israel in exchange for 200 million cubic meters of desalinated water to Jordan. This postponement mirrors a similar stance taken by Turkey in October last year, when it suspended plans for energy cooperation with Israel and canceled a scheduled visit of its Energy Minister to Israel, as reported by Bloomberg.

As regional dynamics continue to evolve, the delay of this agreement underscores the complex interplay between diplomatic relations and regional conflicts, with Jordan standing firm in its commitment to the Palestinian cause.

For more details, visit Jordan-Israel Energy Agreement Suspension.

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