
Oran Hosts the Second Edition of the Algerian Youth Forum with 800 Participants


In a significant move towards youth empowerment, Oran welcomed 800 participants from across the nation for the second edition of the Algerian Youth Forum, under the theme “Challenges of Citizenship at the Hour: Algerian Youth between Political and Economic Empowerment.”

The forum aims to economically and politically empower Algerian youth, enhancing their skills, national convictions, and fostering a spirit of citizenship and positivity. It focuses on developing youth capabilities, instilling a culture of interactive dialogue, collective action, and highlighting active youth models in the national arena. Two main topics are discussed: enhancing citizenship, public and political participation, economic empowerment, and strategic environmental awareness, along with youth skills in communication, leadership, and planning.

The event includes dialogue sessions on political and economic empowerment, workshops on leadership, planning, communication, and networking, plus field trips for tree planting and cleanliness drives, and competitive recreational activities. Prominent attendees include the Minister of Youth and Sports, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Minister of Fisheries and Fishery Resources, the Minister for Mujahideen, the Minister of Vocational Training and Education, the Minister of Relations with Parliament, the President of the National Observatory of Civil Society, the President of the Supreme Council of the Arabic Language, the President of the High Authority for the Fight Against Corruption, the President of the National Authority for the Protection and Promotion of Childhood, and the Director-General of Prison Administration, Algerian Youth Forum in Oran.

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