
President Tebboune’s Solidarity Message on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People


In a profound expression of support, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune conveyed a heartfelt message on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, reiterating Algeria’s unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause.Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Amidst the backdrop of ongoing aggression in Gaza and the occupied territories, President Tebboune emphasized Algeria’s steadfast support for the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people to reclaim their inalienable rights, including the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, as defined by the 1967 borders.

This day of solidarity arrives at a time when the Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza, are subjected to a brutal criminal aggression aimed at their ethnic cleansing. The Zionist occupation, failing to extinguish the spirit of resistance, now commits heinous crimes against humanity and apartheid, attempting an existential eradication of the Palestinian presence. This situation is exacerbated by the unjust siege on Gaza, signifying an escalation in killings, destruction, starvation, and despair, striking at the very principles of humanity.

Amidst this turmoil, the international community and the specialized agencies of the United Nations have shown a lamentable failure to stop the war machine unleashed on a defenseless people. This failure places a responsibility on the advocates of just peace to intensify efforts, uphold the principles of the UN Charter, provide necessary protection for the Palestinian people, end the historical injustice imposed on them, and urgently revitalize the stalled peace process. Only through forcing the occupation to comply with international law and enhancing the legal and diplomatic gains of the Palestinian people can there be hope for peace, including efforts to secure full UN membership for Palestine.

On this occasion, President Tebboune renews Algeria’s complete rejection of all attempts to obliterate this just cause, whether through the imposition of policies that aim to alter the identity of Islamic and Christian holy sites in the occupied territories, demographic changes through settlement policies, or through deceptive deals that will not alter the essence of the issue. He affirmed that Algeria, having paid a high price for its sovereignty and independence and being the site of the declaration of the Palestinian state 35 years ago, remains committed to supporting liberation causes and will spare no effort in supporting the Palestinian people until they fully attain their rights.

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