
Study Day on the Role of the Republic Mediator in Improving Public Service


Today, Sunday, the Republic Mediator Majid Amour supervised a study day organized in collaboration with the United Nations Program on “The Role of the Republic Mediator in Improving Public Service.”

In his opening speech, Amour highlighted the implementation of the President’s commitments, particularly those related to enhancing good governance, comprehensive justice reform to ensure its independence and modernization, and building a free, honest, and active civil society, aiming to build a new Algeria based on justice and law, with social justice and equality as its pillars to achieve citizen welfare and prosperity.

Amour emphasized the achievements made for the benefit of citizens, starting with exceptional programs aimed primarily at eliminating developmental disparities in neglected areas by focusing on marginalized and poor regions and addressing the delays recorded in some states. He also noted the unprecedented dynamism in various sectors aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens and public service, particularly concerning wages, housing, health, education, and employment.

The Republic Mediator discussed the process of digitizing all sectors, in line with President Tebboune’s commitment to end bureaucracy and adopt transparency in public administration. The year 2023 saw the establishment of a solid foundation for effective digital transformation through the creation of the High Commission for Digitalization, which will allow the implementation of the national digital transformation strategy.

Most sectors have, to date, digitized many administrative procedures and generalized the provision of remote services, which is expected to improve administrative performance and direct services within President Tebboune’s vision to expand comprehensive development prospects in the country, Amour added.

Amour considered the organization of this event as a stepping stone to open future cooperation prospects between the Republic Mediator’s office and the United Nations system, as well as sharing experiences with friendly countries in the framework of South-South cooperation and benefiting from the experiences of other countries in this field.

He added, “What unites us all is the desire to work to embody the true spirit of public service, passion, dedication, and creativity to make a positive impact on the lives of citizens.”

The opening ceremony featured a welcome speech by the Director General of the National School of Administration, a speech by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad representing the Minister, and a speech by the representative of the United Nations Development Program.

role of the Republic Mediator in improving public service

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