
Polisario Front Demands Security Council to Resume Peace Process in Western Sahara


In an interview with the Algerian newspaper Horizons, Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, a member of the National Secretariat and the Polisario Front’s representative to the United Nations and coordinator with MINURSO, stated that the Security Council is asked to get involved seriously in working towards resuming the peace process on solid and clear foundations and pushing it towards completing the decolonization of Western Sahara by activating the mandate of the MINURSO so that it can fully implement its mandate by organizing a referendum in which the Sahrawi people exercise their inalienable, non-negotiable, and imprescriptible right to self-determination and independence freely and democratically.

Dr. Omar confirmed that neither the Security Council nor the Secretary-General nor his Personal Envoy needs to search for other solutions under the names of “realism” and “practicality”. He said that the framework for the solution exists and is represented in the joint settlement plan between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity, which was accepted by the two parties to the conflict, the Polisario Front and Morocco, in 1988 and unanimously ratified by the Security Council in 1990 and 1991. What is required is to create the necessary conditions to implement the plan and respect the results of the referendum, which remains the secret of MINURSO’s presence in Western Sahara.

Responding to a question about the recent meeting between the President of the Sahrawi Republic, the Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. António Guterres, the Sahrawi diplomat said that the talks took place within the framework of the ongoing dialogue between the Sahrawi party and the United Nations Secretariat and addressed a number of issues of common interest, especially the reality and prospects of the United Nations-sponsored peace process in Western Sahara and ways to revive it, including examining ways to accelerate the decolonization of Western Sahara.

Dr. Omar said, in response to a question about what the Sahrawi party expects from Algeria during its membership in the Security Council next year, that they congratulate Algeria on its election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2024-2025, which they consider an added value for maintaining international peace and security. He added that there is no doubt that Algeria will do everything in its power at the Security Council level in order to respect and implement the decisions issued on the issues registered on the Council’s agenda, such as the Western Sahara issue, the Palestine issue, and other issues dealt with by the United Nations body.

The Sahrawi diplomat concluded by saying that Algeria’s historical and principled position on the Sahrawi issue is a position well known to everyone because it is a position that derives its strength from the struggle of its heroic people and from the values of its glorious revolution, which has become a great and renewed source of inspiration for all peoples fighting for their freedom and independence throughout the world. The Sahrawi people can never forget this chivalrous and noble position and will continue their liberation struggle by all legitimate means until they achieve their sacred goals of freedom, independence, and restoration of sovereignty over the entire territory of the Sahrawi Republic.


The Polisario Front is demanding that the Security Council resume the peace process in Western Sahara on solid foundations and push towards completing the decolonization of the territory by organizing a referendum in which the Sahrawi people can exercise their right to self-determination. The Polisario Front also expects Algeria, which will become a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2024, to do everything in its power to support the Sahrawi cause.tunesharemore_vertadd_photo_alternatemicsend_spark

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