
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah Declares “Al-Aqsa Flood” Battle Expands on Multiple Fronts


Read about Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s latest statements on the widespread “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, the unwavering fight against Zionism, and the strategic outcomes shaping the future of the Israeli entity.

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah has recently proclaimed that the battle dubbed “Al-Aqsa Flood” has now extended across multiple fronts and arenas. In a statement that underscores the legitimacy of the struggle against Zionism, Nasrallah highlighted the ethical and legal clarity of this conflict.

Nasrallah paid tribute to the Iraqi and Yemeni arms that have joined this battle, while pointing out the longstanding plight of thousands of Palestinian prisoners in the occupation’s jails, which has largely been met with global indifference. He also noted the unprecedented violations against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in modern history and the numerous dangers threatening the West Bank amid new settlement projects.

The Hezbollah leader drew attention to the over two million people living under a crippling siege in Gaza for 20 years, with little to no international reaction. He lamented the forgotten state of the Palestinian cause and its related issues, which had fallen to the bottom of the world’s concerns until the recent events in Gaza necessitated a repositioning of the Palestinian issue at the forefront of global attention.

Nasrallah emphasized that the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation was a Palestinian decision and execution through and through, with absolute secrecy ensuring the success of the October 7 operation by surprise. He assured that the concealment of the operation had no impact on other fronts of resistance.

The performance of Hamas has reaffirmed the Palestinian identity of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, Nasrallah stated, asserting that the decision-making in resistance movements lies with their leadership, with Iran adopting a supportive and endorsing role. He clarified that “Al-Aqsa Flood” is a wholly Palestinian battle, unrelated to any regional files, and that the real decision-makers are the leaders of the resistance and the people of the cause.

Nasrallah declared that Iran does not exert any guardianship over the resistance movements in the region. He described the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle as having caused a security, military, psychological, and moral earthquake within the Israeli entity. The operation has strategic outcomes that will leave lasting effects on the present and future of this entity.

He criticized the Israeli government’s inability to alter the repercussions of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle on Israel’s future, stating that the operation revealed the frailty and weakness of the Israeli entity, now believed to be more fragile than a spider’s web, even by Israelis themselves.

The swift American support for Israel has exposed the frailty and failure of the entity, as Israel requested weapons and financial aid from the United States from day one of the battle. Nasrallah pointed out that the enemy’s government required immediate military support from the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

The sacrifices in Gaza have laid the foundation for a new historical phase in the fate of the Palestinian people and the region, he said. From the first hours of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, it was clear that the enemy was lost and confused. When the occupation forces went to reclaim the settlements, they committed massacres against the settlers themselves.

Nasrallah accused the Israeli government of making grave errors by setting unachievable goals, such as the eradication of Hamas, similar to their unfulfilled objective in 2006 to destroy Hezbollah. The ongoing events in Gaza reveal the stupidity, folly, and incapacity of the Israeli side.

He condemned the occupation for destroying entire neighborhoods in Gaza with no regard for life or institutions, while the world watched. After a month of battle in Gaza, the enemy has not been able to present a single military achievement. Nasrallah described the Israeli army as characterized by hesitation, fear, weakness, and a history of massacres over 75 years.

The Hezbollah leader concluded by assuring that the end of the battle will be a victory for Gaza. He stated that the people of the region, including those in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and foremost the Palestinian people, have all suffered under the fire of Israel. The martyrs of Gaza have exposed all the false masks that deceive our people into normalization.

Nasrallah criticized the international community and world powers for their inaction over 30 days of Gaza’s suffering. He stressed that America bears full responsibility for what is happening in Gaza, with Israel merely acting as an executive tool.

This statement from Nasrallah comes at a time of heightened tension and conflict in the region, reaffirming the stance of Hezbollah and its view on the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.

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