
President Tebboune Issues Presidential Pardon


President Abdelmadjid Tebboune signed two presidential decrees on Thursday, following consultation with the Supreme Judicial Council. The first decree involves a pardon affecting 8,049 inmates, while the second decree pertains to inmates who have obtained educational or training certificates for the 2023-2024 season.

A statement from the Presidency clarified that the pardon excludes individuals convicted of “terrorism, murder, espionage, conspiracies against state authority and national integrity, forgery of official documents, assault leading to permanent disability, crimes against minors or parents, sexual assault, kidnapping, human trafficking, arson, assaults on state officials or healthcare workers, offenses against national defense data systems, and crimes involving public entities.”

Additionally, those convicted of “migrant smuggling, all types of drug offenses, smuggling and corruption, currency and capital movement violations, formation of criminal gangs, violent theft, recidivist thieves, currency counterfeiting, hate speech, fraud, monopolistic practices, and other offenses outlined in the prison and social reintegration laws” are also excluded from this pardon.

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President Tebboune Issues Presidential Pardon

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