
“The Algerian Minister of Energy , Mohamed Arkab, met with a delegation from the Chinese company Huawei.”


The Algerian Minister of Energy , Mohamed Arkab, met with a delegation from the Chinese company Huawei today at the headquarters of his ministry. The delegation was led by Philip Wong, Huawei’s vice president for North, West, and Central Africa, and included the CEO of Huawei Algeria.

The ministry’s statement said that a detailed presentation was given on Huawei’s activities in the field of providing information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, using integrated technological solutions.

The two sides discussed cooperation, partnership, and investment relations between energy and mining companies and Huawei, and ways to strengthen and develop this cooperation in light of the historical depth and strategic nature of relations between Algeria and China. They also emphasized training, research and development, knowledge exchange, and technology transfer.

The statement added that Arkab presented the main lines of cooperation, especially in the field of the solutions developed by Huawei in the field of modern energy-related technological solutions, in particular in the field of power grid management, management of photovoltaic solar power plants and their storage, as well as digitization, smart networks, and energy efficiency.

Regarding the oil sector, the minister pointed out that there are many areas of joint cooperation and investment opportunities in Algeria, especially in the fields of digital transformation and new technologies used in the field of oil exploration and production and emission reduction.thumb_upthumb_downshare

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