
Hubble Telescope Confirms Nearest Earth-Sized Exoplanet Discovery


In a groundbreaking discovery led by scientists from the Hubble Space Telescope, part of both NASA and the European Space Agency, the existence of the closest Earth-sized planet orbiting a star other than our Sun has been confirmed. This newly verified planet, named “LTT 1445 AC,” is a mere 22 light-years away from Earth, Hubble Telescope Confirms Nearest Earth-Sized Exoplanet Discovery.

Originally spotted in 2022 by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), the exact size of the planet was uncertain at the time, with speculations suggesting it was a super-Earth, 1.54 times the mass of our planet. However, precise measurements from Hubble’s data have revealed that it is only 1.07 times the mass of Earth, making it remarkably similar in size and a rocky planet. Despite its proximity to its star, causing it to orbit in just a few days and reaching surface temperatures around 260 degrees Celsius, this discovery adds a significant piece to our understanding of the cosmos.

The method used to gather this data involves the transit of planets. Imagine holding a pea between your fingers and passing it in front of a lamp; you would notice a slight decrease in light. This is akin to how scientists observe starlight dimming periodically, indicating a planet’s transit, a method that requires extreme precision, something TESS couldn’t achieve alone. This necessitated the use of the Hubble Telescope for more accurate measurements.

Interestingly, “LTT 1445 AC” orbits a red dwarf, a type of star significantly smaller than our Sun. If the Sun were a soccer ball, this star would be comparable to a table tennis ball, but red in color. This star is also part of a fascinating triple red dwarf system, offering a unique celestial spectacle.

With its relatively close proximity to our solar system, scientists hope to study this intriguing world in greater detail in the future. The transit method also allows for the study of the planet’s atmosphere and composition, potentially with the assistance of the James Webb Space Telescope.

For more on this and other celestial discoveries, visit Hubble Telescope Confirms Nearest Earth-Sized Exoplanet Discovery.

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