
Presidential Elections on September 7: A Crucial Milestone to Preserve Achievements


The General Commander of the Algerian Muslim Scouts, Abdelrahman Hamzaoui, emphasized that the upcoming presidential elections are a “crucial milestone for the Algerian people to preserve the achievements made and to embark on broader horizons.”

In a statement to the press on the sidelines of an awareness seminar in the Wilaya of Oran about the importance of the upcoming presidential elections, organized by the local branch of the scouting organization under the slogan “I Participate for My Country,” Hamzaoui highlighted that the Algerian Muslim Scouts recently launched an initiative. This initiative, in collaboration with various bodies, associations, and organizations, aims to raise awareness among citizens and youth about the importance of the upcoming presidential elections and to ensure their success. He stated that these elections are a crucial milestone for the Algerian people to preserve the achievements made and to embark on broader horizons that will fulfill the people’s aspirations for more development and prosperity.

He pointed out that a wide popular participation is expected in the upcoming presidential elections, given the general atmosphere of satisfaction and contentment currently prevailing in society due to the stability and growth achieved in recent years.

During the event held at the conference hall of the Abdelhamid Ben Badis Mosque in coordination with the Directorate of Youth and Sports of Oran, Hamzaoui called for a strong contribution to raising youth awareness about the importance of the September 7 presidential elections and the necessity of participating massively in the elections as both a right and a duty.

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